Environmental Problems
Cultural plant problems and various types of environmental issues are inevitable, regardless of how well you care for your garden. So what is a gardener to do? The first step to solving gardening issues caused by environmental problems in gardens is to do your research. The pages that follow will help with that. With information for dealing with types of environmental issues like contaminated soil, floods, heat waves or cold spells, you’re sure to find something that relates to the particular needs of your garden. So keep reading to learn more.
Environmental Problems
Cool Weather Crops: How Freezing Temperatures Affect Cold Hardy Plants
Are there garden vegetables that can survive frost? The answer is yes. But how do freezing temperatures affect these cold-weather vegetables?
By Laura Miller
Preventing Frost Heave In Your Garden
If you garden in a cold area or even one that experiences several hard frosts each winter, then you may need to consider protecting your plants from frost heave. What is frost heave? Learn more here.
By Nikki Tilley
How To Protect Plants From Frost Damage
The threat of frost is on its way. What do you do? First of all, do not panic. Anytime there is a threat of frost, you need to take precautionary measures to protect tender plants. This article will help.
By Nikki Tilley
Plants Poisonous To Horses: Common Plants That Are Poisonous To Horses
Horse owners, especially those new to horses, often wonder what plants or trees are poisonous to horses. Take a look at some of the most common trees and plants poisonous to horses in this article.
By Susan Patterson
What Is A Hard Frost: Information On Plants Affected By Hard Frost
Weather forecasters may predict either a light frost or hard frost. So what is the difference and how are plants affected by hard frost versus light ones? Read this article to find out more.
By Jackie Carroll
Saving Dried Plants: Information On Reviving Drought Stressed Plants
If drought is a common problem where you live, it’s a good idea to learn about reviving drought-stressed plants. For more information, click here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Tips For Saving Cold Damaged Plants
How much cold will kill a plant? Not much, although this is usually dependent on the hardiness of the plant as and its climate. With prompt care, many of these cold damaged plants can be rescued. Get more info here.
By Nikki Tilley
Heat Wave Garden Safety: How To Stay Cool In The Garden
Gardening in the summer means you will have several hot days and could use a few tips on how to stay cool. Click here to learn about garden heat safety.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Tornado Proof Gardening – How To Protect Your Garden From A Tornado
By choosing wind-resistant trees and taking proper care of those trees will go a long way toward garden tornado protection. Advance warning of an approaching tornado may also allow time to remove potential airborne items. Click here to view other tornado proofing ideas.
By Susan Albert
Information On How To Protect Outdoor Plants In Winter
Protecting plants in winter can help prevent winter scald, frozen roots, foliar damage and even death. Cold weather plant protection takes a little pre-planning, and this article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Why Plants Don’t Grow – What To Do When Plants Won’t Establish
Anytime you move a plant, it causes stress. Sometimes, though, a plant won’t establish and instead of thriving, it declines. For information on reasons why plants fail to establish, click on the following article.
By Teo Spengler
Plants Toxic To Rabbits – Learn About Plants Rabbits Can’t Eat
Rabbits are fun pets to have but require specific knowledge of the animal, including dangerous plants, especially if your rabbit is allowed to roam about the yard. To learn what garden plants are harmful to rabbits, click this article.
By Amy Grant
Plants Pigs Can’t Eat: Information On Plants Harmful To Pigs
If you happen to have a pet pig or if you raise pigs as livestock, don’t assume that the same toxic plant list applies. What is poisonous to pigs? Plants harmful to pigs don’t always kill them. Click here for a list of plants that are toxic for pigs and those that will make pigs sick.
By Teo Spengler
Bad Plants For Cattle – What Plants Are Toxic To Cows
Keeping cows is a lot of work, even if you have just a small farm with a herd of a few cattle. There are plenty of plants cows shouldn’t eat, and if you are going to have any amount of cattle, you need to know what they are. This article can help with that.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Plants And Smoking – How Does Cigarette Smoke Affect Plants
For smokers who love their indoor plants, a concern one may have is what impact secondhand smoke can have on them. Houseplants are often used to keep indoor air cleaner, but can plants filter cigarette smoke? Learn more about plants and secondhand smoke here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Patches Of Brown Leaves On Trees - Fall Color, Cicada Damage Or Something Else?
Read on for more information about cicada branch damage and the many other potential causes of brown leaves on trees.
By Teo Spengler
Sheep And Poisonous Plants – What Plants Are Poisonous To Sheep
One essential part of a sheep’s day is that of grazing. If you have a flock of sheep, it’s important to know what plants may be poisonous to sheep. To protect your flock from toxic plants, click the following article for a list of plants that could be dangerous.
By Mary Ellen Ellis