Mary Ellen Ellis
Mary Ellen Ellis is an amateur gardener and freelance writer who lives in the Detroit area. She has degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry and is a former high school science teacher. She has been gardening for more than 20 years and writing professionally for 15. Mary Ellen is the proud owner of only a few houseplants because she has cats who cannot stop chewing on them. Because of this she has developed a hobby growing terrarium plants that cats can’t reach.
Latest articles by Mary Ellen Ellis
Urban Composting Guide: How To Compost In The Middle Of The City
Urban composting does not have to be daunting. You can compost in the city, and maybe even try some urban worm composting!
By Mary Ellen Ellis
9 Natural Landscaping Ideas For A Garden That Looks Like It’s Always Been There
Read about 9 natural landscaping ideas that will inspire you! Create and enjoy a natural garden and even a natural landscape design.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
DIY Liquid Fertilizer For Plants – 5 Powerful Tonics To Make
Homemade liquid fertilizer has myriad benefits for vegetables, garden plants, and houseplants. Discover natural tonics that are quick, easy, and cheap to make.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Bottlebrush, A Complete Plant Care And Growing Guide
Aptly named, callistemon bottlebrush flowers add a wispy shape, texture and color to your garden. They're happiest in zones 8 to 11.
By Jackie Carroll
Landscaping Around A Fire Hydrant: Landscaping Tips And Safety Considerations
It might not sound like the obvious choice for a landscaping project, but a fire hydrant can work with a bigger gardening vision. Follow our tips on landscaping around a fire hydrant
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Crown Of Thorns Plant, a Complete Indoor Care Guide
A crown of thorns plant will light up your home with its colorful blooms. It likes a dry indoor environment and is not particularly fussy.
By Jackie Carroll
6 Beautiful Ornamental Grasses That Pollinators Love
Ornamental grasses add softness and texture to a garden, but they can have additional value in enticing precious pollinators. Discover the best varieties to support nature in your yard.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
New USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map: What Changed & What It Means For Gardeners
The new USDA plant hardiness zone map reflects our changing climate and new considerations for plant hardiness. It affects everyone, but especially gardeners.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How And When To Cut Back Daylilies: Daylily Trimming Made Simple
Daylily trimming after bloom time will keep these beauties tidy and disease-free. Trim the plants back after they bloom and before you divide them.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
8 Simple Steps To Rid Your Vegetable Garden Of Pests – Without Using Chemicals
Step away from the pesticides! These natural solutions will fight critters from all angles, without harming your garden's biodiversity.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Why It's Time To Raise Ducks For The Garden – Move Over, Chickens!
Others might call you quackers, but if you get some ducks for the garden, you can enjoy a host of plot-friendly benefits. Just follow our expert guide to make the most of these unique creatures
By Mary Ellen Ellis
What to Plant After Spring Bulbs Have Died Back – 8 Stunning Ideas
When spring bulbs die back they leave unwelcome gaps and fading foliage in their wake. But with some clever planting choices, this can be concealed. Discover the best options to take their place for beautiful beds all season long.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Purple Leafy Greens To Add Color To Your Garden
Purple lettuce and purple greens like kale and cabbage are lovely in the garden but also pack a healthy punch.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Top 10 Questions About Weeds
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Traveler’s Joy Vine Removal - Tips For Controlling Traveler’s Joy Clematis
Controlling Traveler’s Joy may become necessary. This Clematis species is invasive in the U.S.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Free Stones For Landscaping: Best Places To Find Them
It’s fun to find sources for free stones and landscaping rocks. You may be surprised at who might thank you for taking them away for free.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How Much Does A Rain Garden Cost?
Rain garden costs can be minimal or expensive, depending on your budget. They're a sustainable idea and worth every penny.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Epiphyllum Plant Care: Tips For Growing Epiphyllum Cactus
Look into growing some of the ten species of epiphyllum, or orchid cactus. Find them in garden centers or online, and grow them in much the same way you’d grow an orchid.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Bring Your Lawn Back To Life – Your Essential Post-Winter Plan
Before winter fully surrenders to the glory of spring, make time to give your lawn some much-needed TLC. Follow our fool-proof plan and your grass will look lusher and healthier than ever before.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Waterlogged Soil Fixes: What To Do About Wet Garden Soil
Waterlogged soil can quickly kill plants if it has become compacted or has a heavy amount of clay. Learn how to fix the situation with soil amendments and proper drainage.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Grow A Beautiful Vegetable Garden That’s A Feast For The Eyes
In addition to being practical and useful, growing beautiful vegetable gardens that are stunning and aesthetically pleasing can enhance your garden space.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Stumpery Garden Ideas: Turning Logs Into A Lovely Garden
If you have broken or felled tree stumps available, check out some garden stumpery ideas and create a charming shady corner of your yard or garden.
By Mary Ellen Ellis